Saturday, 1 January 2011

January 2011

1/25 Looked for locations for additional hives for the spring. Quickly checked the AL hive with Cyndee and saw brood.

1/22 Reversed hive bodies of the AL langstroth hive. The cluster of bees, brood, and honey stores are now in the deep box on at the bottom of the hive. The deep box on top of that appears to be mainly empty comb. There is then a further deep box on top full of empty frames..... hopefully this will give the bees lots of space to aide in swarm prevention.

1/17 Inspected the AL hive for the first time this year. It was around 64F, so I decided it would be okay to do a quick inspection.

1/10 Finished a two day mite count on the AL hive around this time. Counted 120 mites over 2 days, so 60 per day.

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