Friday, 1 October 2010

October 2010

10/29 Placed formic acid pad in AL Langstroth hive. Pad placed in empty super above the two deep boxes. Pad placed on a couple of end bars placed on top of frames below. Holes in pad pointing down.

10/27 Looked into natural treatments for mites. A thyme based treatment (Thymol) needs a temperature above 60F to work properly. Formic pads (Mite-Away II) works in cooler temperatures. Daytime maximums should be in the 50-79F range for formic acid. If temperatures exceed 82F pad needs to be removed since the bees will be over fumigated - risking absconding. Current daytime temperatures in Livermore are in the 64-70F range, so both thymol and formic acid will work. Only have formic acid pads at hand so will use that.

10/26 Completed a mite count on AL hive using a sticky board for just one day and counted 140 mites! Need to treat. Ideally count should be below 50.