Thursday, 1 April 2010

April 2010

4/22 Uncle Mic adopts Martin's Nuc of bees

4/20 Second deep box added to the old hive

4/17 Jessica inspected the TBH, the old hive and Martin's Nuc

4/14 Jessica placed a formic acid pad in the split hive.

4/14 Jessica inspected the TBH, Combo Hive and the Split Hive - click here for details.

4/10 Jessica installed a package of carniolan bees in the TBH

4/4 Rainy day in Livermore

4/3 First warm day in a while. All bees showed increased activity for a time. Seemed like maybe there were new bees orienting from all hives. Seems too soon for that though.

4/2 Transfered bees from Alan's nuc box into the new combo hive